Community Partnerships


How It Works

Are you a school or organization that serves parents and staff?

Looking for ways to help your parent community and staff feel supported? 

Ready to help your parents and staff feel empowered to show up and grow their confidence and skills?

I can help. How? By taking the latest parenting science and research to create a custom plan to meet your school or organization’s needs.

Services I Offer

Group Coaching Sessions & Workshops

  • Sessions are focused on specific topics of interest. Topic examples include transitions, sibling relationships, tantrums, parent-child communication, creating daily routines and schedules, being on the same parenting team, and general child development education. Sessions and workshops are interactive and incorporate real-life parenting examples.

One-on-One Power Coaching Sessions

  • Sessions are designed for parents and staff who have one or two burning questions or want help to work through a specific scenario. These are highly targeted and focused sessions to help you make a game plan for a specific challenge. Sessions can be on-site or virtual.

Consultation Support 

  • Support includes individual or group case consultation as well as classroom observations and recommendations.

Book Clubs

  • An opportunity for parents or staff to explore a book, share ideas and perspectives, and apply what they're learning in their everyday life. 

“It’s a way to connect with other parents to trade war stories and gain insights on how to be a better parent."

- Matt, Group Participant