What is Parent Coaching?

Simply put, it’s a process to help you tackle your parenting challenges and feel more confident in your everyday parenting.

Parent coaching is:

  • a process to discover where you are now and where you want to be as a parent. It includes setting clear coaching targets and practicing new skills.

  • an opportunity to explore your parent-child relationship and how you show up in parenting (aka: your parenting beliefs, emotions, and go-to behaviors).

  • a chance to learn about why your child is behaving the way they are, to get at the root of the behavior (this is what creates lasting change vs. quick, temporary fixes that try to manage not solve challenging behavior).

  • about encouragement, support, and being real about parenting!

  • a way to experience less frustration and more joy, laughter, and fun in your day-to-day parenting.

Parent Coaching is not:

  • getting quick parenting fixes or tips and crossing your fingers it will work (like throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping it sticks!).

  • only focusing on your child’s challenging behavior and trying to make it stop (this doesn’t get at the “why” and leads to exhaustion, frustration, and parent self-doubt).

  • therapy for you or your child (check out the Q & A to learn how it’s different).

  • about being judged, shamed, or criticized for how you parent.

Great parenting is not about doing things ‘right’ or not yelling. It’s about getting curious about what triggers us, knowing why we respond the way we do without self-judgment, and making an effort to try something different.